
Just a moment and this situation changed
yes ... everything is changing so fast
In fact I think it's no big deal
But, I lost spirit
yes ... all of a sudden lost

You know, sometimes I can not be controlled temperatures
Next thing I knew, my mind was a mess and I feel empty
yeah ... just because something small things
who might think is something that is trivial
But I think it could destroy everything that is upon me

You ... yes you, I hope that what I think you conveyed
how I feel at this time because of you
you know this ... a little ridiculous, but I hate to say it
You .. yes you are, I hope this feeling conveyed to you
how my mind today because of you
You know ... it sucks, and I hate to feel it

This is strange, frustrating ... vex
I miss U so ...
Huft ...


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Mai Kuraki in the poetry

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