Nobody I Miss, but U yeah!

When I send a message for you I always hope, you read and reply soon In order to I dont wait for long Dont you know, when you dont My heart is worry , why?what? Dont make me afraid Dont make me sad Waiting for you is a sign How much I love you! If I dont send a message for you It's not mean that i'm forget about you I just give a chance for you U miss me, right? Dont you know, when i do My heart is full with the questions, what?how? Not to make you afraid Not to make you sad Longing is a sign, we have love in our heart Love and longing, nobody i miss but you yeah Time and waiting, nobody i want but you yeah Can you feel my heart?can you feel my heart? I'm so miss about you Every second in mylife Nobody i miss but you yeah You're most important for me Nobody I want but you yeah Cause love is yours forever Note : this poem...I wrote..27th sept 2010, yeah...sometimes we miss someone...and hope to meet again ...